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Escape to the Country
MCY Community Judi Farrell MCY Community Judi Farrell

Escape to the Country

Since our amazing retreat at EcoYoga Centre last year (when we TOTALLY lucked out with the weather!) I’ve been searching for somewhere luxurious and comfortable, and possibly a bit closer to home, to escape to this year. Somewhere we don’t have to go outside if it’s raining and an amazing spot to sit outside when the sun shines…

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New look Yin Yoga Class
Yoga Practice Judi Farrell Yoga Practice Judi Farrell

New look Yin Yoga Class

Some of you will know already that Gemma is leaving MCY to pursue new adventures. We’ll miss her but know that she’ll make a success of whatever she chooses to do! And we’re excited too because it means we get to take a look at how we were doing with your Yin Yoga class, listen to what you guys have to say and hopefully make it even better…

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