Refer and


Refer and Earn is a brand new way to share your love for MCY and receive rewards!

Love what we do here at MCY? Love to tell your friends and family all about it?

Now you can earn rewards for each person you recommend us to.

Help us spread the yoga love, build our MCY community and earn rewards with every referral.

The deal

Each time you invite a person, we’ll give them a free class. Then if they go on to spend £25 or more, you’ll get £10 of studio credit.

Studio credit can be used for any purchase (just like our gift vouchers). For example you could put it towards a class pass, workshop, course or anything from the shop.

How to invite

On a browser go to your Momence account, click Refer & Earn from the menu then click Recommend a host and select Merchant City Yoga.

Using the mobile app click the Merchant City Yoga icon and then click Refer & Earn.

Copy the invite link or share using one of the social options.