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Why is the Bhagavad Gita relevant? - James Boag, 'The Chai Sessions'
MCY Community, Yoga Philosophy Judi Farrell MCY Community, Yoga Philosophy Judi Farrell

Why is the Bhagavad Gita relevant? - James Boag, 'The Chai Sessions'

In this episode of the Chai Sessions I’m talking to good friend and yoga philosophy maestro, James Boag. He’s a regular guest on the podcast. Because we’re chatting ahead of James’s next visit to MCY, when he’ll be taking us on a deep dive into the Bhagavad Gita, I wanted to talk more about the Gita and what it might have for us as we live today...

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This Is How Ashtanga Works - Scott Johnson, 'The Chai Sessions'
MCY Community Judi Farrell MCY Community Judi Farrell

This Is How Ashtanga Works - Scott Johnson, 'The Chai Sessions'

In this episode of The Chai Sessions I’m talking to friend and fellow Ashtanga teacher Scott Johnson. This is our fourth conversation so I feel we can now say he’s a regular here on the podcast!

For those of you who haven’t met Scott yet he’s been practising yoga since 1998, and teaching Ashtanga yoga since 2004. He’s been the director and senior teacher at Stillpoint Yoga London since it was founded in 2009….

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Threads of Practice: Reflections on an Ashtanga Journey in 2024
MCY Community, Ashtanga Love Notes Judi Farrell MCY Community, Ashtanga Love Notes Judi Farrell

Threads of Practice: Reflections on an Ashtanga Journey in 2024

I recorded my first Chai Session podcast on the 21 January 2021. Fast forward to 2024 and unbelievably I’m still recording and sharing conversations. But the world has changed. The yoga landscape has changed. I’m feeling that Ashtanga Yoga, the yoga that I love, I practise and teach, the one I keep coming back to, is less popular than before. It’s fallen a bit out of fashion. So I decided to talk it over with my friends and the idea of the Ashtanga Love Notes series of podcasts was born…

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Butoh and Yoga: Exploring Embodied Consciousness Through Movement and Stillness
MCY Community Judi Farrell MCY Community Judi Farrell

Butoh and Yoga: Exploring Embodied Consciousness Through Movement and Stillness

I am not a yoga practitioner, though I have some experience of it (mainly Ashtanga style). I’ve been thinking about the similarities and contrasts between the two practices. The most obvious common ground is probably to be found in the root definition of yoga as a yoking or joining. If we extend this definition towards reuniting then I think yoga can meet Butoh with a shared intention.

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Ashtanga Love Notes Series - Cathy Moran, 'The Chai Sessions'
MCY Community, Ashtanga Love Notes Judi Farrell MCY Community, Ashtanga Love Notes Judi Farrell

Ashtanga Love Notes Series - Cathy Moran, 'The Chai Sessions'

This episode is the third in my short podcast series, Ashtanga Love Notes.

We’ll talk about what we love, what keeps us coming back and what challenges and highlights it’s brought us along the way. Imagine these love notes hand written and close to my heart…

My guest on this episode is friend and fellow Glasgow teacher, Cathy Moran.

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