Give Yourself a Break
Guest blog by Fiona Clarke
I love teaching the YOGA BASICS lunchtime class at MCY - I find it great that people spend their precious lunch break with me!
I like to think we share a little island of calm and movement, doing something to nourish ourselves in amongst a sea of deadlines, requests and constant work.
With home working being so common now, many people find it’s even harder to step away from the screen and give themselves some attention.
It’s all the more important in this unsettling world to switch off from work and do a bit of yoga, especially as our home work environment is likely far from perfect. I’m definitely hearing more and more complaints about stiff shoulders and necks.
Joining me for just one or two forty minute classes a week will definitely help. The classes are all about relaxing the mind and easing the body, as well as working on those stiff hips and hunched shoulders.
Simply facing away from your work area to practise yoga for a short time can make a big difference!
Simply leaving your work environment and creating a bubble of self care for a short time makes a big difference. If you’re able, it’s good to set up an area that’s separate or even facing away from your work area. Somewhere to put your yoga mat and maybe cushions, flowers, blanket, smelly candle, anything that equals ‘comfort’ to you. Turn off your phone and leave instructions for DPD to leave that parcel with a neighbour (who knew how much stuff could come to our door?!).
We start with focusing on the breath to help calm the body and mind, and settle you into your mat-comfort bubble. This is followed by some gentle easing of neck, shoulders and the body working towards standing for sun salutations to start the flow of energy.
After some standing and seated postures we’ll end with a guided relaxation which will leave you calm and ready to carry on with your day.
Share a little island of calm and movement with Fiona at lunchtime…
It’s so beneficial to move and time can be so precious, so I suggest you break up your working day with some of the ideas you’ve taken from class - choose the ones that work for your body and make you feel good!
You can even simply close your eyes take slow even breaths and work through your body from your toes up to the crown of your head (or top down ). Focus on each part and visualise sending breath as energy as you go. Open your eyes, move fingers, hands, shoulders then work through your body maybe twisting side to side. Rotate hips and legs, wiggle toes, tap feet on the floor, get the circulation moving.
Failing that play your best Disco Diva selection and jump around like a Wild Thang!
Join me live every Tuesday & Thursday 12.40-1.20pm or if you only have ten minutes to spare here’s a short class with me to keep you sane!
If you have any questions please get in touch. Email or find us on Facebook or Instagram.
Fiona X
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