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3 Questions on Yoga Teacher Training Answered
Joining a Yoga Teacher Training programme is no small thing. It's a huge commitment and investment of time, energy and money. Judi answers 3 common questions about Yoga Teacher Training to help you decide if our 200 hour course here at MCY is for you.

Pranayama: 20-Minute Abdominal Breathing Audio Download
Siobhan has very kindly shared a special audio session with us that you can download and use at home. In this 20-minute session you’ll explore the breath as it fills different parts of the body. Focusing on abdominal breathing which instantly helps us get into a state of peace and calm.

Advice from the yoga room
Coming back to a yoga class in the studio after such a long break, even if you’ve been joining classes online, can feel daunting for lots of different reasons.
Our Mysore style regulars really are all levels from beginners to long time practitioners, and I bet none of them thought, when they came to their first class, that they wouldn’t look back! I asked a few of them what they wish someone had told them before starting and here’s what they had to say…

Mysore Etiquette - Everything you need to know & more
For many people, stepping into a Mysore style Ashtanga class for the first time can be a daunting thought. But it really is one of the best ways to learn and practice yoga.
We've brought together everything you need to know about coming along to a Mysore style class - general etiquette, what to do, what to expect and frequently asked questions. We hope it’ll be a useful resource for you and give you the confidence to join us in class.

Rest, Relax, Be Still - Audio Downloads
CYS graduates Hina, Angiolina, Chelsea and Matt have kindly recorded their favourite guided relaxations for me to share with you and offer as a free resource here on the MCY website.

MCY's Got Talent - Maintaining Hip Mobility with Jean McInerney
I know that when Jean started her training with us back September 2019 she couldn’t imagine ever teaching a yoga class, never mind recording a class for us to share with you!

MCY's Got Talent - 15 Minute Yoga Practice for busy days with Clare Skelton
Yoga’s a practical tool intended to support us as we live our lives. While it’s tempting to think we don’t have time, or it’s not a proper practice unless it’s lengthy and blissful, it’s often our short practices shoe-horned between other commitments that bring us the richest gifts! Give Clare’s 15-minute on demand class a try…