Backbending Preps: How To Find Space For Urdhva Dhanurasana


If you’re struggling with backbending and trying to lift into Urdhva Dhanurasana or are struggling with compression or pain around the lower back, these preps can help you find a bit of space through the front of the body.

Many of us get a bit stuck around the front of the thighs and the front of the hips as we lift into our backbend. You may find opening the front of the chest pretty challenging too so we’re looking to encourage a little more mobility in the upper spine behind the ribs as well.

There are some backbending preps we can do together in the video below – quad and hip flexor stretches and a lovely passive stretch aimed at giving us a little more space and movement through the upper back.

These backbending preps are not an overnight cure, they require some work. But I hope every time you do them you feel a little bit of a difference and they help you find more space and ease in your backbend.

Backbending / Urdhva Dhanurasana Preps with Judi


Let us know how you get on and remember we’re here to help. If you have any questions please get in touch. You can email me at, message me through Facebook or Instagram or you can text me on 07880 631599.

Judi x

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