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Moving Mysore Style Classes Online
If I’m being honest it’s taken me a while to come around to the benefits of online Mysore style classes. From the beginning I fully understood that meeting online was key to keeping our community connected despite not being able to meet in person. The routine of turning up at the same time for class is fundamental in helping us all cope during these uncertain and constantly changing times.
Yoga for Beginners Explained
[GUEST BLOG by Nicola Park] Maybe you’re wondering if Yoga for Beginners is for you. Yoga for Beginners is for absolutely everyone. The beauty of it is that we work at the pace that is needed, depending on who is there. A real mixture of people come along to this class so every week is different.
Yoga Nidra For Deep Relaxation PLUS Audio Download
Yoga Nidra is a deep relaxation technique. The translation is yoga sleep and it takes you to that level of consciousness just before you drop into sleep. There are many different approaches to Yoga Nidra and it’s often confused with other relaxation and guided imagery techniques.
Judi’s Favourite Ashtanga Yoga Preps & Exercises
Although Ashtanga yoga works with a set sequence of postures, if you come to Mysore style class with me there’s every chance I’ll suggest you work with some (or maybe even all!) of my favourite Ashtanga yoga preps. These are exercises that have helped me in my own practice and can help you too.
Backbending Preps: How To Find Space For Urdhva Dhanurasana
If you’re struggling with backbending and trying to lift into Urdhva Dhanurasana or are struggling with compression or pain around the lower back, these preps can help you find a bit of space through the front of the body.
How to prepare for Lotus with Firelog or Double Pigeon
If you’re struggling with half lotus or full lotus or you’ve got a little bit of pain in the knees, firelog or double pigeon is a great prep to be working with most days. It’ll help you work into those muscles that help with external rotation at the hip. Even if you’re getting into lotus, this exercise can help you find an ease there and a comfort that’s maybe missing.
Hatha Yoga with Patricia – What’s it all about? Try online on demand classes
Patricia Galavis teaches our Thursday evening Hatha Yoga class here at MCY. We caught up with her to ask what’s it all about? But first, if you’ve not had the pleasure, a little about Patricia and her approach to Hatha Yoga (in her own words)…