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The Relationship Between The Yoga Sutras & The Bhagavad Gita - James Boag, 'The Chai Sessions'
In this episode of the Chai Sessions podcast, I'm talking to good friend and yoga philosophy maestro James Boag. I ask James about the relationship between two of the best known yoga texts, the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita.
I hope you enjoy listening in.

Yoga, Personal Development & Wellbeing - Heather Gweneth Bird, 'The Chai Sessions'
In this episode of the Chai Sessions I'm talking to clinical research and health professional Heather Gwyneth Bird.
We explore the concept of well-being and the intersection of self-improvement, self-acceptance and personal development from a yoga perspective. We talk about some of the significant challenges people are facing with their wellbeing just now and what role yoga might be able to play.
I hope you enjoy listening in.

Osteopathy, Anatomy & Yoga - Gareth Magee, 'The Chai Sessions'
In this episode of The Chai Sessions I'm talking with Osteopath Gareth McGee.
We discuss how people's view of the body is narrowing despite the volume of information out there and how that might be affecting how they think about their own bodies. We touch on pain and chronic pain cycles, and Gareth talks about the powerful concept of framing pain as protection.
I hope you enjoy listening in.

What is the difference between Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga?
At a glance, Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga can look pretty similar - both use props, both are slow paced… But they’re actually quite different.
I’m regularly asked what Restorative Yoga is, what Yin Yoga is and what’s the difference? To help clear things up I asked the experts!

Unwrapping the Astrological Energies of the 2024 Easter Season
For those who follow ancient astrological traditions the spring equinox signifies an auspicious time to reflect on the powerful cosmic energies at play. In this guest post, Tony explores some of the key astrological events taking place around the Easter period, how they might influence our lives and what they could symbolise on both a personal and collective level…

The Bhagavad Gita - Ema Čulík, 'The Chai Sessions'
In this episode of The Chai Session Podcast we discuss the Bhagavad Gita ahead of Ema's upcoming course in May.
What is the Bhagavad Gita?
Why is it relevant today in the modern world?
How can we approach the text and work with it?
I hope you enjoy listening in.

The 8 Limbs of Yoga - James Boag, 'The Chai Sessions'
I'm delighted James could join me on The Chai Sessions for a third time to chat about yoga and yoga philosophy. Ahead of his visit this spring, where he'll be guiding an exploration of the 8 limbs, I thought it would be helpful to ask James why they are so important to us as modern yoga practitioners.
I hope you enjoy listening in.