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Yin Yoga with Claire Black - Who is flying the plane?
Yoga Practice Judi Farrell Yoga Practice Judi Farrell

Yin Yoga with Claire Black - Who is flying the plane?

During lockdown I had the exciting opportunity to study online with Bernie Clark and completed 50 hours of Yin Yoga teacher training.Bernie has written several books on Yin Yoga that are essential reading for anyone interested in the practice, these include The Complete Guide To Yin Yoga (the familiar green book beloved by all Yinsters!!).

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Guided Relaxation Audio Downloads For Rest, Calm & Clarity
Yoga Practice, Yoga On Demand Judi Farrell Yoga Practice, Yoga On Demand Judi Farrell

Guided Relaxation Audio Downloads For Rest, Calm & Clarity

A guided relaxation works as a practice on it’s own but it’s also a lovely way to end your yoga asana (posture) practice. You can practice them at any time of the day. All you need is 5-10 minutes and a quiet spot where you can lie down and relax. These practices promote rest, calm, clarity and can help to relieve stress and anxiety too.

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Moving Mysore Style Classes Online
Yoga Practice Judi Farrell Yoga Practice Judi Farrell

Moving Mysore Style Classes Online

If I’m being honest it’s taken me a while to come around to the benefits of online Mysore style classes. From the beginning I fully understood that meeting online was key to keeping our community connected despite not being able to meet in person. The routine of turning up at the same time for class is fundamental in helping us all cope during these uncertain and constantly changing times.

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Yoga in Pregnancy – the Benefits by Victoria Harris
Yoga Practice Judi Farrell Yoga Practice Judi Farrell

Yoga in Pregnancy – the Benefits by Victoria Harris

I was the rather typical left-brained, career driven, 32 year old chartered accountant when I became pregnant with my daughter. I applied the same ‘hurdle’ theory to my pregnancy as I did to all other major feats and events in my life so far. If you study, plan, prepare then you will overcome the hurdle and get the best outcome, just like a qualification, wedding, moving home etc.

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