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Advice from the yoga room
Yoga Practice, MCY Community Judi Farrell Yoga Practice, MCY Community Judi Farrell

Advice from the yoga room

Coming back to a yoga class in the studio after such a long break, even if you’ve been joining classes online, can feel daunting for lots of different reasons.

Our Mysore style regulars really are all levels from beginners to long time practitioners, and I bet none of them thought, when they came to their first class, that they wouldn’t look back! I asked a few of them what they wish someone had told them before starting and here’s what they had to say…

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Mysore Etiquette - Everything you need to know & more
Yoga Practice Judi Farrell Yoga Practice Judi Farrell

Mysore Etiquette - Everything you need to know & more

For many people, stepping into a Mysore style Ashtanga class for the first time can be a daunting thought. But it really is one of the best ways to learn and practice yoga.

We've brought together everything you need to know about coming along to a Mysore style class - general etiquette, what to do, what to expect and frequently asked questions. We hope it’ll be a useful resource for you and give you the confidence to join us in class.

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Chatting Ashtanga Yoga With Rose Ann McKean, ‘The Chai Sessions’
MCY Community, Yoga Practice Judi Farrell MCY Community, Yoga Practice Judi Farrell

Chatting Ashtanga Yoga With Rose Ann McKean, ‘The Chai Sessions’

In this session I'm chatting with Rose Ann who teaches our morning Mysore programme here at the studio.

We chat Ashtanga - where to start, commitment to the practice, the struggle, challenging postures, the difference between guided classes and Mysore-style, managing your energy and taking ownership of your practice.

Pop the kettle on, get yourself comfy and come and join us...

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Nothing beats seeing it in action - Mini Ashtanga Yoga Videos
Yoga Practice, Yoga On Demand Judi Farrell Yoga Practice, Yoga On Demand Judi Farrell

Nothing beats seeing it in action - Mini Ashtanga Yoga Videos

With our Mysore style classes online for now we’re constantly trying out new ways of sharing the teachings to allow us to continue to give students valuable feedback and support. Sometimes, no matter how well we explain, nothing beats seeing it in action so Rose Ann sent a short video to first one student and then another. I thought these videos were too helpful not to share with everyone.

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Moving Mysore Style Classes Online
Yoga Practice Judi Farrell Yoga Practice Judi Farrell

Moving Mysore Style Classes Online

If I’m being honest it’s taken me a while to come around to the benefits of online Mysore style classes. From the beginning I fully understood that meeting online was key to keeping our community connected despite not being able to meet in person. The routine of turning up at the same time for class is fundamental in helping us all cope during these uncertain and constantly changing times.

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What even is Mysore style Ashtanga?
Yoga Practice Judi Farrell Yoga Practice Judi Farrell

What even is Mysore style Ashtanga?

A Mysore style Ashtanga Yoga class is an assisted self practice class. In these classes all of our students are working on the same sequence of postures but their practice is tailored to where they’re each at. Students work through their own practice guided and supported by an experienced teacher.

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