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ONLINE | The System of Ayurveda with Siobhan Fitzgerald

Ayurveda, the science of life, is the medicine of India and it’s becoming much more of interest these days in the West. It includes yoga, diet, massage, herbs and cleansing practices. Through working with all of these areas the theory is we keep ourselves in optimum balance to avoid disease occurring. It’s believed disease occurs through the five elements that become excessive in our system or in our surroundings. The secret to health and wellbeing, and a happy mind, is to understand how we can get the balance back.

In this workshop Siobhan will walk you through the Ayurveda system and how it works. She’ll discuss what Ayurveda treats as Vatta, Pitta and Kapha (the Tri-doshas) and how you can use breathing, asana, diet and other lifestyle habits to create and sustain change. Expect to take away practical steps you can work with at home on a daily basis and these small changes can make a huge impact on how you feel.

Workshop Cost £29


28 November

ONLINE | Mini Meditation Retreat with Patricia Galavis

6 December

ONLINE | Pranayama – Monthly Breath Class with Siobhan Fitzgerald