Discover the benefits of Integrated Restorative Yoga and its potential to relieve symptoms of muscular and skeletal disorders, symptoms for bronchial asthma and symptoms for cardiovascular disorders in this four week (eight hour) course.
“The living human body is endowed with tremendous potential to heal itself.
The body has got infinitive potential to heal Thyself.
This infinitive potential is in the form of energy lying dormant in the body.
There are techniques devised by the adepts to unveil and control this energy.
One should practice these techniques with indomitable faith, regularity, patience and vitality to experience the results… Thyself.
Surrender Thy actions (pursuit) and its fruits to the adepts who have devised these techniques for the manking”
- Swami Krishnananda Yoga Vidyapeeth
In this course you’ll learn:
How to design and how to practice a specific Integrated Restorative yoga session for Intervertebral disc prolapse disorders and chronic back pain, for relieving symptoms for bronchial asthma and strengthening the respiratory system and for relieving symptoms for cardiovascular disorders;
The proper modifications of the Surya Namaskara and appropriate asanas. These modifications have been substantiated with scientific evidence;
How to use props if needed, properly and judiciously;
Do’s and dont’s.
Muscular and skeletal disorders: emphasis will be on Intervertebral Disk Prolapse and Chronic Back pain although we will also cover to some extent arthritis as well as knees and wrists disorders;
Relieving Symptoms for bronchial asthma with Yoga with emphasis on strengthening the respiratory system and increasing the lungs capacity;
Relieving Symptoms for Cardiovascular disorders with Yoga.
This course is designed for:
Yoga teachers and trainers who want to deepen their knowledge of Integrated Restorative Yoga for relieving symptoms of muscular and skeletal disorders, symptoms for bronchial asthma and symptoms for cardiovascular disorders;
Anyone, either new to yoga or a regular practitioner, suffering from any of these particular disorders who’d like to learn more about how they can use yoga to relieve their symptoms;
Anyone interested in a restorative approach to yoga techniques.
The course content includes but is not limited to:
Limbering and modified strengthening and stretching
Surya Namaskara and Complementary poses
Tadasana, Supt Tadasana, Supt Udarakarshan
Modified versions of the following asanas according to the different disorders: Trikonasana, Uthitatrikonasana ,Virbhadrasana, Dandasana, Gomukhasana, Bhujangasana & Sarpasana, Padangushthasana, Pashchimottanasana – Purvattanasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana & Bhardwajasana, Navasana, Ushtrasana, Shalabasana, Dhanurasana, Marjariasana, Matsyasana, Setubandhasana, Pawanmuktasana.
Yoga Nidra
What can you expect of the techniques used?
Sanskrit name with transliteration
Demonstration with specific verbal instructions
Steps (Technique)
Body and Breath awareness
Bandhas, if any
Props, if needed
Complimentary pose
Counter pose
Contraindications, Limitations & Special precautions
“All students are future teachers and all teachers are nothing but good students.”
- Patricia Galavis
Course Cost £89