Rest, Relax, Be Still - Audio Downloads

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If you’ve been coming to class with us for a while you’ll know we sometimes have our teacher trainees in class with us to observe, and where appropriate assist. I often invite them to share a guided relaxation at the end of class with me and they’re always really well received.

Hina, Angiolina, Chelsea and Matt have kindly recorded their favourite guided relaxations for me to share with you and offer as a free resource on the MCY website. Taking time to consciously rest and relax is something we can all benefit from doing more of and I hope this selection of relaxations gives you the perfect excuse!

A journey into nature - Angiolina Foster

Angiolina came to Yoga relatively late in life, initially turning to it to regain some of the flexibility that the menopause had stolen. Through Yoga, she both recovered some of that lost flexibility and found much, much more besides. Having completed her Yoga Teacher Training with MCY in 2021 she has recently begun volunteering with Yogability Scotland, a charity who offer accessible Yoga to children and adults with special needs and their carers.

Angiolina has shared a beautiful 9-minute visualisation that’ll take you on a journey into nature.

CLICK HERE to download Angiolina’s audio recording.

Body awareness relaxation - Chelsea Snobel

Chelsea has just completed the 200 hours CYS Glasgow Yoga Teacher Training Programme here at MCY and has qualified as a Children’s Yoga teacher with the Class Yoga 60 hours Children’s Mindfulness and Yoga training in 2020.

Working as a Primary School Teacher, Chelsea has introduced yoga and mindfulness throughout the school and has seen first-hand, the benefits that it has provided the children both mentally and physically. Chelsea has been practicing yoga for over 20 years and in the last year has newly included Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Yin and Ashtanga to her practice.

Over the past year recovering from Long Covid, Chelsea’s found comfort in discovering a new meditation and pranayama practice as well. She has used breath focus and stillness to calm an anxious mind and help with fatigue and insomnia. Chelsea looks forward to introducing classes in the near future.

Chelsea has shared a 6-minute body awareness relaxation that’ll help you feel calm and easeful.

CLICK HERE to download Chelsea’s audio recording.

Relaxing guided meditation - Hina Gul

Hina is CELTA teacher from Cambridge University and a mum of three! She was introduced to mindful breathing meditation and relaxation as part of her teacher training here at MCY.

Hina says, "meditation, yoga, breathing exercises are part of my daily routine. I meditate because it gives me still moments in this volatile world. I observe the connection between thoughts and feelings during my meditation. I feel refreshed when I find those thoughtless moments in my meditation. I just love to dip myself in that always accessible blissful stream, so precious yet so much readily accessible."

Hina has shared a 9-minute guided meditation to help train your mind to a calmer and quieter state.

CLICK HERE to download Hina’s audio recording.

Guided Meditation & Soundscape - Matt Evans

Photo by Ana Costa

Photo by Ana Costa

Matt says, “I first became entranced by yoga at a music festival in the wilds of Scotland in the mid-2010s, and I have been exploring its myriad facets ever since. My curiosity and adventures somehow led me to teacher training, and after an extremely challenging, fascinating and fulfilling year, I became a MCY 200-hour graduate in 2021.

While I’m generally drawn to strong, demanding physical practice, I also recognise the importance of rest and stillness. This guided meditation draws on my interest in sound and music as a tool for focusing the mind and expanding consciousness. I hope you enjoy it!”

CLICK HERE to download Matt’s 9-minute audio recording.

These short guided meditations are perfect to do at the end of your yoga practice but they’re also ideal for taking a few minutes out of your day to rest and be still. You’ll definitely feel better for it!

Remember if you have any questions please get in touch. You can email me at or text me on 07880 631599.

Judi x

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