Nothing beats seeing it in action - Mini Ashtanga Yoga Videos

Many of you know Rose Ann already. She’s been teaching our early Morning Mysore style programme here at MCY since 2015. And if you’ve practised with her you’ll know she’s dedicated and funny, truly one of a kind!

With our Mysore style classes online for now we’re constantly trying out new ways of sharing the teachings to allow us to continue to give students valuable feedback and support. Sometimes, no matter how well we explain, nothing beats seeing it in action so Rose Ann sent a short video to first one student and then another.

I thought these videos were too helpful not to share with everyone. They’re not glossy or super detailed but will give you some ideas to try out in your own practice.


Ideas for Chakrasana

Some ideas to explore so that you're not rolling onto one shoulder in Chakrasana.


Beginning to work with Bhujapidasana

You'll need two blocks and some cushions or a bolster.


KEEPING SPACE IN YOUR Urdhva Dhanurasana

If you feel pinching in the lower part of your back when you come into Urdhva Dhanurasana try working with it this way.


Everyone is different and what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for someone else. That’s why it’s important to explore your own body and experience. It’s also really helpful to regularly check in with an experienced teacher for feedback and guidance.

If you have any questions or want to let us know how you get on don’t hesitate to get in touch or check in with us in our online Mysore room. Our practice is really one big yoga experiment!


PS If you’ve found this post of interest please share as other people you know may find it interesting too…


Christmas Yoga Flow with Joan Stuart


A gentle, nourishing movement practice