Ashtanga Yoga, Modified Half Primary Series with Gaenor Aitken


Gaenor came to our yoga teacher training programme as a long time yoga practitioner and a trainer by profession. She’s the first to admit that she doesn’t look like your typical Ashtanga student. But, oh my goodness, her unwavering enthusiasm and commitment to the practice is truly inspiring. She’s inspiring change in the yoga community and proves that this yoga is available to anyone who wishes to practise.About Gaenor, in her own words:

"I’ve been practicing yoga since I was in my early 20’s and over the years have studied many different styles of yoga.  So when I signed up for CYS Glasgow’s 200 hour teacher training - which had at its core the Ashtanga Primary Series – I knew what I was letting myself in for!

What I didn’t appreciate was how I would fall in love with the practice, deepening and growing over time.

Ashtanga yoga modified half primary series with Gaenor Aitken

It’s a great counter-point to my day job where I sit at a desk a lot.  I’ve been an IT Trainer since the late 1990s so I have a love of teaching and learning new things – and of course technology.  My husband Derek has given me the nickname of 'Gaenor Gadgets' as I usually have so many pods and pads around me that I can get a bit confused about which does what! 

I work for a national house builder and it can be fast-paced and intense at times.  My yoga, especially morning practices, really set me up for the day and put me in the right frame of mind for dealing with whatever comes my way.  It helps me respond in a compassionate way, rather than jumping straight in when tensions arise.

The past few years have been challenging as Derek and I have lost three of our parents.  Yoga has been a real constant in keeping me balanced and in good mental health throughout this time.  Structure and focus, which is what Ashtanga yoga provides for me, is key to my well being. 

Finally, I love elephants. I wanted one as a pet, but Derek said no…

The sequence I’ve put together for you is a modified half Primary series. It’s challenging so I use lots of props in my practice. If you’re just beginning your Ashtanga journey, it’s a good place to start. I hope you enjoy it!"

In this video Gaenor shares her own practice with you. She shares the variations and options for the postures of Ashtanga she prefers while staying within the classic Primary Series sequence. If you’ve not tried Ashtanga because you think you have to be thin and bendy join Gaenor and celebrate what your body can do.

Ashtanga Yoga, Modified Half Primary Series with Gaenor Aitken

Remember if you have any questions please get in touch. You can email me at, message me through Facebook or Instagram or you can text me on 07880 631599.

Judi x

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