Jump backs and jump throughs: exercises to give you lift


Jump backs and jump throughs are something we can get a little bit hung up on, especially in Ashtanga yoga.

Achieving some lightness and fluidity of movement can really help as you flow through the practice. You’ll move more efficiently and hopefully feel less physically tired.

However, jump backs and jump throughs are not the be all and end all of your practice. The idea is to give these movements steady, consistent practice and attention but try not to get too focused on them.

In this video I share three different exercises you can work with to help you understand and develop the strength and coordination you need for jump backs and jump throughs. When practised with steady attention they can help give you lift and achieve some lightness and fluidity of movement in your practice.

Exercise 1. Practice shifting the weight into the hands (starts 1:23)
Exercise 2. Begin moving your centre of gravity backwards and forwards in space (starts 6:35)
Exercise 3. Work on getting the lift with lolasana (starts 9:56)

Exercises for jump backs and jump throughs with Judi

As you’ll see from the exercises, we can start working on our jump backs and jump throughs from the very first sun salutation that we do.

Let me know how you get on and remember we’re here to help. If you have any questions please get in touch. You can email me at judi@merchantcityyoga.com, message me through Facebook or Instagram or you can text me on 07880 631599.

Judi x

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