Headstand Preps: How To Build Your Foundation For Shirshasana


Lifting into headstand (shirshasana) can feel pretty much impossible for many of us in the beginning. I know I spent a good couple of years believing that my toes were full of lead and that they’d NEVER lift off the floor!

Working on strengthening and stabilising your foundation without having to worry about whether or not the feet come off the floor can be really helpful.

When we get our foundation stable and the hips stacked over the shoulders, the feet really do become light. I remember teachers telling me and I didn’t believe them. But now I know from my own experience that the feet really can float up off the floor. Honestly!!!

The exercises in the video below can help you build strength and stability in your foundation. They can also give you a felt experience of starting to shift the weight out of the feet and into your foundation, helping to build your confidence and your belief and trust in your body.

Shirshasana Headstand Preps with Judi


Headstand is not the be all and end all of everything. Learning how to work towards tricky postures like shirshasana teach us more than just how to do the posture.

Let us know how you get on and remember we’re here to help. If you have any questions please get in touch. You can email me at judi@merchantcityyoga.com, message me through Facebook or Instagram or you can text me on 07880 631599.

Judi x

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