Hatha Yoga with Patricia – What’s it all about? Try online on demand classes


Patricia Galavis teaches our Thursday evening Hatha Yoga class here at MCY.

We caught up with her to ask what’s it all about? But first, if you’ve not had the pleasure, a little about Patricia and her approach to Hatha Yoga (in her own words)…

“My yoga journey started with Hatha Yoga 12 years ago. I practised Hatha for several years before I started to practice Ashtanga Yoga. Ashtanga is my main practice but I experience tremendous benefits practising Hatha Yoga at least one day per week. It has helped me to understand my body’s limitations better and discover strengths I couldn’t see before. Practicing Hatha has allowed my body and mind to know there are other possibilities of movement.

As a yoga teacher, teaching hatha allows me to teach other limbs of yoga. I love sharing what yoga means to me and how it can be a transformative tool for everyone. The asana practice is just one limb of yoga and I think it is very important to give people the opportunity to explore other limbs of yoga too. That’s why I introduce pranayama, yoga nidra and meditation in almost every session.

Also, as a certified Integrated Restorative Yoga Teacher I know how important it is to offer effective options for postures when students have back pain, respiratory or cardiovascular disorders for example. I tailor each class according to the group and individuals who practise with me, designing a session from which everyone will benefit on a deep level.”

Patricia tells us what got her started with yoga in the video below. Curiosity brought her to yoga and she was “in love with yoga from the first sight”. Give it a watch!


What is Hatha Yoga?

Patricia says,

“Hatha Yoga encompasses absolutely all different ‘styles’ of asana (posture) practice. And that’s my approach: including different yoga approaches from my own experience. We’re exploring our range of movements, our possibilities and our breath by using ALL of our senses.

There are hundreds and hundreds of hatha yoga postures. There are so many that most yoga traditions have chosen just a few to work on. So the possibilities in a hatha yoga class are endless! We can explore poses that are in Ashtanga primary and second series, maybe in the Iyengar style sometimes too. Sometimes we’ll explore the poses in a vinyasa flow or we spend a little bit more time in each pose (YIN yoga) and ALL is hatha yoga.

Hatha yoga is an inclusive practice with endless possibilities. We use all our tools to explore ourselves through asana movement and stillness with all our senses.”

Who is your Hatha Yoga class for?

“Practising different yoga styles and learning from teachers with a variety of experience has given me a wider perspective to approach my practice. I guess this is what makes this class different, you’ll experience everything in different ways! And that’s why this class is appropriate for everyone, regardless if you’re new to yoga or an experienced practitioner of any other yoga styles.


Expect to be surprised. By exploring our movements in different and new ways we generate new connections in our brain leaving us feeling healthier and younger! Classes are structured and shaped in an integrated way. You’ll work on your digestive system, your endocrine system, your respiratory system, your cardiovascular system and your nervous system in a way that leaves your whole being completely renewed and energised.”

What sort of poses and practices do you include in class?

“We open with breathing awareness to arrive here and now. Then continue with limbering: a warming up of all the joints. This is highly recommended before doing any physical activity and a must for people with arthritis. We follow limbering with some movement exploration to strengthen the core muscles and improve the digestive system and then a stretching sequence which improves the endocrine system.


Moving through sun salutations next and some complementary poses to make sure we’ve moved the spine in all its possible ways, the class continues with a series of asanas (postures). I believe for an asana sequence to be integrated the class must include all movements of the spine plus at least one inversion. All my classes include this and the asanas are chosen depending on who I’m sharing the practice with that day.

We explore the asanas in different ways so every class is different. I like to introduce antigravity movements and work in pairs sometimes too. This is fun but it also gives us a different perspective on our range of movement and can help us understand each asana better. Sometimes we’ll explore and practice different pranayama techniques too, finishing each class with Yoga Nidra or guided relaxation.”

Try online on demand Hatha Yoga classes with Patricia

30 minute guided Hatha Yoga session

Bring awareness to your breath, your body and mind in this 30 minute guided Hatha Yoga session with Patricia. Ground yourself in the present moment as you stretch and strengthen your body.


25 minute Hatha Yoga session with live music

Sometimes it’s good to improvise and let your body move as it wants to. With that openness and willingness to explore in mind, practice along with Patricia in this lovely hatha yoga session. Turn up the sound too. Patricia is accompanied by her brother live on guitar.


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