Merchant City Yoga

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Ashtanga Short Class - On Demand video & cheat sheet

This Ashtanga short session is great if you're tight for time but also if you're relatively new to Ashtanga and looking to build up your practice. It'll help you become more familiar with the postures and build your stamina for a longer practice.

The focus of this session is cultivating and sustaining a steady breath.

We practice moving the body to the same rhythm, keeping pace with the breath. This helps create steadiness and balance in the body, and calm and clarity in the mind.

We'll start with a few preparatory movements before we move into Surya Namaskara, the sun salutations.

If you've watched the intro before, skip to minute 1:56 to jump straight into practice.


Ashtanga Short Class - Cultivating & Sustaining a Steady Breath

Some other THINGS you might find helpful

Here are links to a few other videos and resources you might find useful...

Ashtanga Yoga Resources: Primary Series Cheat Sheets & More

Developing a Home Practice

Jump backs & jump throughs: exercises to give you lift

Judi's favourite Ashtanga Yoga preps & exercises

Backbending preps: How to find space for Urdhva Dhanurasana

As always, if anything isn't clear or you have any questions about your own practice please get in touch.

Judi x

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